


实验室英文名称:National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Tunable Laser



Ø  2011年成功进行了我国首次卫星光通信在轨试验,圆满完成了504Mbps的星地高速激光通信,是我国卫星激光通信技术发展的一个重要里程碑;2017年又成功进行了国际首次同步轨道卫星与地面双向每秒5吉比特高速激光通信,整体技术水平达到国际领先。

Ø  形成了“高频”、“高分辨率”、“高灵敏度”、“高可靠性”和“智能化”特色的激光光谱智能测量与感知技术方向,研究成果广泛应用于飞行器和能源动力装备测试评估、医疗与健康诊断、环境监测、火灾预警等领域。

Ø  开展了高性能分布式光纤传感的基础研究、技术研发和工程应用,成果已应用于油气管道、高压输电线、高速铁路、和大型桥梁等大型基础设施的健康监测。

Ø  基于百焦耳级大型钕玻璃纳秒激光装置以及高功率激光与物质相互作用原位实验平台,开展材料的激光损伤动力学机理研究,以及激光诱导冲击波物理与技术研究。

Ø  国际上首次获得了毛细管放电69.8nm72.6nm激光,以及类氖氩46.9nmX射线激光,应用于全息成像、固体烧蚀和极紫外光刻光源。

Ø  1995年起,开展了CO2相干外差探测、闪光式条纹管探测、FM/CW探测、面阵GM-APD探测及激光多模复合探测等多种成像技术,实现了多种平台远距离激光三维成像试验验证。

Ø  基于Tm,Ho掺杂材料的固体激光器和基于ZGP晶体的光学参量振荡器(放大器)能够实现数百瓦的输出功率,单频模式下可实现数十毫焦能量的2微米激光脉冲。

Ø  研制了高效激光清洗工作头,提出了用于激光毁伤的新型激光光谱诊断技术,获得了如光子晶体、陶瓷隔热材料和系列智能防护涂层等材料的抗激光损伤特性和热传导效应规律。


National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Tunable Laser is supported by the Departments of Electronics Science and Technology and Optical Engineering of HIT. Its research interests focus on laser space information technology, and the typical achievements are as follows.

Ø  In 2011, it demonstrated the China’s first LEO-Ground laser communication in Satellite HY-2 with a record breaking downlink data rate of 504 Mbps and a link distance of 1650 km; in 2017, it demonstrated the China’s first GEO-Ground laser communication in Satellite SJ-13 with a breaking data rate of 5 Gbps and a link distance of 375,00 km.

Ø  The laser-spectrum intelligent measurement and sensing technology are with the characteristics of high frequency, high resolution, high sensitivity, high reliability and  intellectualization  and have been widely used in the field of the testing and evaluation of aircraft and energy-powered equipment, medical and health diagnosis, environmental monitoring, fire warning and so on.

Ø  We have developed high-performance distributed optical fiber sensors, which have found applications in the structural health monitoring of infrastructures such as pipelines, power-lines, high-speed railways, and large-scale bridges.

Ø  It has built a large-scale Nd:glass laser system with capability of 100-joule output and arbitrary nanosecond pulse adjustment; based on this in situ experimental platform, we have carried research of the dynamics mechanism of laser damage, and laser-induced shock wave physics and technology.

Ø  It has realized 69.8 nm and 72.6 nm lasers in the discharge-produced plasma, and the Ne-like argon 46.9nm soft X-ray laser, which have found applications in holography, ablation of solides and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light source for photolithography.

Ø  Since 1995, the research group has been focusing on the laser imaging technology, and has firstly carried out many imaging technologies including the CO2 laser coherent heterodyne detection, streak-tube flash imaging detection, FM/CW detection, array Gm-APD imaging detection and multimode laser combined detection, and achieved far-range laser 3-D imaging verifications on multiple platforms.

Ø  The solid-state laser based on Tm, Ho-doping materials and optical parametric oscillator (amplifier) based ZGP crystal can reach hundreds watt output power; with injection-locking method, tens millijoules pulse energy at 2-microns can be achieved with single frequency mode.

Ø  We have developed a high-efficiency laser cleaning head, proposed a new laser spectrum diagnosis technology for laser damage, and studied the laser damage resistance characteristics and heat conduction effect laws of materials, such as photonic crystal, ceramic thermal insulation materials and a series of intelligent protective coatings.


实验室联系人:巴德欣 电话:13104608293 邮箱:badexin@163.com



100-joule Nd:glass laser system


Soft X-ray laser pumped by capillary discharge




Lab on optical fiber sensors



Antenna of satellite laser communication

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